
Saint-Malo Municipality

Participants in Saint-Malo

To find out more about the municipality, visit :

Results found:

Pour Croissant Faire - Gîte à St-Malo

Pour Croissant Faire - Gîte à St-Malo

#309530 - Accommodation in St-Malo comprising 3 bedrooms with access to a living room, a fully equipped kitchen and 2 shared bathrooms. Terrace at the back.

$75 +taxes/night for 2 people including continental breakfast. Possibility of adding homemade ready-to-eat meals.

For questions or reservations:

223 route 253 Sud, Saint-Malo, J0B 2Y0


Van Grimde Corps Secrets - One upon a time in Malvina...

Van Grimde Corps Secrets - One upon a time in Malvina...

Under the direction of Van Grimde Corps Secrets, the Malvina site brings together art, heritage and biodiversity in a fascinating place, where nature, culture and new technologies meet

• Outdoor exhibitions Once upon a time in Malvina.. and Cors primal/Corps futur
• Cultural mediation and guided tours
• Activities on biodiversity and local ecosystems
• Interactive digital tour, virtual reality experience, and more!

309, Malvina road


Visit the website


Enjoy the most of your stay in the Coaticook River Valley!